"Uva Uvam Viviendo
Varia Fit"
LDHRC Officers
Mike Southerland, President
Steve Korenek, Vice President
Glenda Mitchell, Secretary/Treasurer

Snake Clinic 2025   


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LDHRC Calendar
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LDHRC Gallery
Put names to faces ... meet the dogs and people of Lonesome Dove Hunting Retriever Club in our Gallery and Retrievers areas.

LDHRC Membership
Lonesome Dove HRC welcomes new members. Download Lonesome Dove HRC's printable brochure

HRC Club Links

United Kennel Club
HRC Hunt Test Rules

Hunting Retriever Club
Need your promotional and requirement information re HRC and hunt tests: huntingretrieverclub.org

Lonesome Dove Hunting Retriever Club (LDHRC), Inc. is a charter member of the national Hunting Retriever Club, Inc. (HRC) and is affiliated with the United Kennel Club, Inc. (UKC) - the world's largest working dog registry.  We are an organization open for membership to all versatile hunting dog breeds and their handlers.

Our club was formed by hunters for hunters and is designed to help people learn how to train retrievers and other versatile hunting dogs. For the avid upland or migratory bird hunter, there is no better opportunity to associate with a group that enjoy hunting and dogs as much as you!

The UKC sanctions licensed hunts, maintains all earned points and awards the titles of Started Hunting Retriever (SHR), Hunting Retriever (HR), Hunting Retriever Champion (HRCH), Upland Hunter (UH), and Grand Hunting Retriever Champion (GRHRCH) to UKC registered retrievers earning the same.


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While retriever training books and videos are helpful, training with a group of people allows you to meet others who have had or are having the same training problems you might be experiencing.

A big plus is that many of the people who you training with will motivate you to improve the skills of your dog. All this training truly pays off when the real hunting season comes.

Training days are scheduled regularly. These days are held to bring people together to train their dogs and help one another. There may be professional trainers, as well as, highly qualified amateurs on hand to help the novice individual with problems he or she may be having with their dog. They also will help in developing drills to be used at home.

Our club has business meetings to promote the club along with providing members information on training dogs.

Guest speakers may be invited to discuss aspects of training or care of our prized hunting partners. Other special events the club enjoys are: sporting clay shoots, fun hunts, and group hunting opportunities. 

sponsor an annual hunt test sanctioned by the Hunting Retriever Club (HRC), an affiliate of the United Kennel Club (UKC). Dogs are split into three levels of ability: Started, Seasoned and Finished. Our retrievers are judged against a set standard rather than against each other.

These hunting tests are set up to resemble actual hunting conditions for the retriever. The hander wears camouflage clothing and shoots a shotgun loaded with blanks.

Other HRC Clubs also hold tests in which members participate. By passing these tests, the dog can accumulate points resulting in recognized titles awarded by the UKC to be recorded on the dog's pedigree.

We would love to have you as our guest at the next training day - come out and learn more about us!

Calendar    •   News     •   Gallery    Retrievers    History    Membership Information

We welcome your participation and friendship. We have members from all over Texas, including Abilene, Brownwood, Comanche, Cisco, San Angelo, Midland, and the DFW Metroplex. Click and view a map of our club area.

Please contact us by email or find membership information in our downloadable PDF brochure.

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